Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Transformational Heal Your Life Workshop

Marvelous Transformed Butterflies, Magnificent Beings: Heal Your Life Workshop Leaders/Teachers 2012

This blog was inspired after my teacher training program at Louise Hay's Heal Your Life Workshop Leader/Teacher Training in Birmingham UK, led by Dr. Patricia Crane, who had the privilege of studying personally with Louise Hay for several years, and was chosen by Louise to lead the Love Yourself, Heal Your Life® workshop. (This evolved into the current training program. This training is authorized by Hay House, Inc., and approved by Louise. Heal Your Life® is now a registered trademark worldwide. More about the workshop.)
I first get to know Dr. Patricia Crane through her book Ordering From The Cosmic Kitchen, on how to create positive affirmations and see how it works on our lives, just like placing orders at the restaurant, we say exactly what we want and not worry if we get the dish we ordered! It was very practical way of applying positive affirmations in our lives, and I certainly find it a very easy read and a book with a sense of humour.  :)

However, I was still skeptical on some levels, especially not sure on my energy when the positive affirmations are laid out, and also about Louise Hay other points of philosophy even though I've been applying the mind-body connection to an improved health for past 10 years, so I thought if I'm going to go for it, it has to be in FULL force, so instead of just experiencing at a 2days workshop, I signed up for the Teacher's training in UK 2012 right away.  I just have to meet the person in real, and feel it myself.  I want to meet Dr. Patricia Crane in person.  :)
The one week training was very intensive.  It was a typical place in England, but the energy was so transformational my mental mind was picturing the whole place as somewhere else, the place was filled with so much love, it was a safe haven to release, release and create new possibilities.  Some impactful insights were shared with me through my interactions and releasing with fellow trainees.  I was able to experience how we carry with our masks in our daily lives and when we are filled with so much love, the masks can be removed and a marvelous loving soul is revealed. That made me so much more compassionate with people, to be less judgemental, more compassionate no matter how difficult or rude or irritable that person may seem to me, perhaps a reflection of my self or a phase a person is going through, not ready to reveal what's behind the mask.
I was inspired by many other events, experiences, people through this training... It is very often that when we look back that we realise how big impact an event or person has inspired us to where we are now.  This workshop has opened up another part of me, my life.  It's an ongoing journey, and I know many others in this week has more and more inspiring stories to tell.  This has inspired me to start this blog - to allow such experiences to be noted and shared around the world, that this philosophy works! It works wonders in fact!  We are each responsible for our own thoughts and life, we can change them and we can certainly change our lives for the better.

It is safe. It is only change.  We are supported by one another, we are supported by the whole universe.
So start placing your orders now to the Universe, and I look forward to hear and share many wonderful stories of people inspiring lives around the world.

Feel the energy of our transformation in this loving video:

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